Hand Percussion for Sunday Worship

First and Foremost

My gift and ability in Percussion was given to me by God, and it is a pleasure to use it for His glory. There has for a very long time been a part of me that has longed to be part of a Praise and Worship Team, but God knows the best timing for that. The wait has been worth it, there’s nothing I enjoy more than using my talents to bring God praise.

A number of people from my congregation have asked me some questions regarding hand percussion and the music on my stand on Sunday or Wednesday. So I’m going to answer those questions in this post.

How Things Start

Seeing that I also serve on the Usher Team there is a certain balancing act of merging the schedules so that I can serve in both aspects. I generally make sure that when I’m not scheduled to serve as an Usher, that I reach out to the various worship team leaders letting them know that if I am, if nothing else, available to play percussion.

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The Greatest Jackpot

ace achievement banknote blackjack

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com



I’m sure it’s happened to you before. There in your mailbox is a sweepstakes flyer and you pull it out and give it a good once over. The top is reserved for the biggest prize and as you go down the page the prizes get…lesser is a good term.

There is a number to match and you have a few chances to match it. 9 times out of 10 this flyer makes it directly to the trash bin without a second thought. This time though you keep it and scratch those spaces off thinking: “Odds are I won’t get a matching number anyway.”

Yet this time you do! So you follow the instructions…and it’s confirmed you are a winner. Does it matter that your revealed number is beside the $1,000 prize?!

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Faithful to the End



It has been a long time since I have faithfully, or otherwise updated this blog and there is really no excuse. This morning as I was musing about my Christian walk I realized that I certainly wasn’t being faithful, and making the best use of my God given abilities. In fact, I could easily and rightly say that by not being faithful to God in this endeavor and not consistently posting and sharing my thoughts on Christianity with others I was in fact making another being very happy.

I’m not going to name this being here, but Christian or not, you probably have a good idea of who. I’ll be honest I’m really tired of doing things that make this being happy. I don’t want him to be happy I want him to be upset. So this year I’m going to do more things that’ll make him take notice and I can guarantee that will bring spiritual warfare.

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Unpopular: The Gospel Unvarnished

I found this great little movie on The Gospel that is just great!

It’s called Unpopular and you can view it here:


You should also checkout:

Unpopular The Movie- The Website

At the website you can view the movie by clicking on the arrow button, you can also scroll down and find links to pages with specific topics. These will help you grow in your Biblical Understanding in many important areas.

I hope you find these resources helpful.


Exegesis and Eisegesis: Which Leads to a Proper Outlook On Scripture?


Exegesis and Eisegesis are both ways of studying the Bible. However it is important to know what these words mean, and the kind of Bible study that emerges from using them. In this article I will break down the differences between Exegesis and Eisegesis and what kind of study should be used to be sure of correct Biblical Understanding, a term called Hermeneutics.

Exegesis or Eisegesis for Proper Hermeneutics?

In the very definition of the word Exegesis we find it’s meaning to be literally- [Greek,  exegeomai, = ex “to explain”, or “to take from”; and hegeomai, “to lead”, “to guide”].

This means that Exegetical study and the conclusion of it come from simply reading the text, and taking note of what is revealed from a natural reading.

In the very definition of the word Eisegesis we find it’s meaning to be literally- [Greek, eisagogilos, from eisago, “to introduce” = eis, “in”, “into”, and ago = “to lead”].

This means the Eisegetical Bible study is when an interpreter or person in Bible study reads (introduces) their ideas into the text.

The picture below is from A Meme For A Day SDA’s Facebook page (SDA is Seventh-Day Adventist) and is a good and clear teaching of both Exegesis and Eisegesis. It looks specifically at Genesis 2:2-3 a key SDA verse used to teach that the Sabbath Day was instituted in Genesis. The SDA church uses Eisegesis as their way of studying the Bible, they inject their ideas into the text.


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Inductive Bible Study of John: Chapter 1 1-5

(This article is a reprint if you will of an article I used on my BibleRunner blog however after the 1st two editions we’ll be in brand new material).


Hello everyone, I’m sorry this took so long to get online but I’ve been putting it off to be honest because I wanted to be sure to get it right. Just today I realized that I should simply get it up, as God has already prepared the hearts of those who are going to read it and find perhaps some more clarity and depth to the Word than they realized. I hope this ongoing study blesses you as much as it does me.

How I’ll Break Up Each Study

A short word is needed to clarify how I’ll arrange each study even though it might in the end seem exceedingly obvious. Basically I’ll take a section of scripture generally no longer than 7 verses and I’ll put the whole scripture at the top of the study. After this I’ll then break it down one verse at a time with the notes following each individual verse. Finally I’ll do a recap of the most important things we’ve learned from the study of this section of scripture.

John 1:1-5

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

(All scripture quotations are from the ESV- English Standard Version of the Bible).

So let’s get to it! Follow me after the break!

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Job: Search for an Advocate

I’m going through some of the Bibles in my collection and sharing some witnessing tools via notes that cover certain topics. This is something I added myself to my Apologetics Study Bible for Students a really good study Bible.

I called it Job: Search for an Advocate.

Job was a righteous man who found his faith and trust in God put to the ultimate test but deep in his heart he knew something about God that was mind-blowing. Something that sustained him throughout his time of testing.

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Have You Seen GLOW tracts in your church, or anywhere else for that matter? Here’s what you need to know!

Are All Tracts Created Equal?

GLOW is an acronym that stands for God’s Light (to) Our World, and they look like and are very professionally designed tracts to share ones faith. But who puts them out and what kind of faith are they sharing? Are they solid Biblical tracts or are they deceptive and capable of tripping up nominal Christian’s- folks who don’t really get into God’s Word? These are important questions to answer, especially if you do find them at your own church.

So let’s take a look!


Here is an image showing the most GLOW tracts I could find, this may or many not be a complete set. As you can see they cover a wide range of topics including Hell, Natural Disasters, Talking with God, Unlocking Revelation, Is there Hope After Death and other important issues. For the emphasis on this post I will be discussing specifically the Tract titled Is There Hope After Death? as it is one of the two I unexpectedly found recently.

The whole of the Tract can be found at the following link:

Hope After Death (Will Open a New Tab). Go ahead you’ll need to have it open as we break it down.

Let’s take a good hard look at what’s being taught in this tract as also who is behind it so that you can be aware.

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Why I’m Concerned About: Revive Us 2016.

It seems that not a week goes by without some announcement of a major “Revival Meeting” or get together. They’ve come thick and fast this year  as people who call themselves Christians are becoming more and more ecumenical. People who used to be firmly grounded in their Christian walk are threatening to come off the rails, because of their association with ecumenical leaders or they’re just not listening to the Word of God like they used to.

Before I continue I should define Ecumenical.


(ˈɛk yʊˈmɛn ɪ kəl; esp. Brit. ˈi kyʊ-)

also ec`u•men′ic,


1. general; universal; worldwide.
2. of or pertaining to the whole Christian church.
3. promoting or fostering Christian unity throughout the world.
4. interreligious or interdenominational.
It doesn’t look so bad does it, but it is really bad when it blurs what the Bible says about those who are Born Again and truly worship Him and those who are not and do not. There is only one way and there are not many ways. Yet more and more I see people that I once trusted as grounded in their faith, like Eric Metaxas and Greg Laurie for example saying such things as Catholics and Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA’s) are Christians just like they are.

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Coming Out of Adventism: Who Bares Our Sins?

As you will get to know more and more as I get back to regularly blogging I came out of the darkness of the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church. It is a church that like many New Religious Movements, cults, and false religions claim that they are “the one true church” specifically in the Adventist movement “the Remnant Church”.

Founded on top of “Great Disappointment” of 1844, a failure of epic proportions of predicting the date of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The bedrock, the founder of the SDA church, was Ellen G.White, who has proven herself to be a false prophet.

She also had a problem with not agreeing with herself or the Bible on a variety of subjects for instance let’s see what she has to say about who ultimately bares our sins.

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