Job: Search for an Advocate

I’m going through some of the Bibles in my collection and sharing some witnessing tools via notes that cover certain topics. This is something I added myself to my Apologetics Study Bible for Students a really good study Bible.

I called it Job: Search for an Advocate.

Job was a righteous man who found his faith and trust in God put to the ultimate test but deep in his heart he knew something about God that was mind-blowing. Something that sustained him throughout his time of testing.

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Have You Seen GLOW tracts in your church, or anywhere else for that matter? Here’s what you need to know!

Are All Tracts Created Equal?

GLOW is an acronym that stands for God’s Light (to) Our World, and they look like and are very professionally designed tracts to share ones faith. But who puts them out and what kind of faith are they sharing? Are they solid Biblical tracts or are they deceptive and capable of tripping up nominal Christian’s- folks who don’t really get into God’s Word? These are important questions to answer, especially if you do find them at your own church.

So let’s take a look!


Here is an image showing the most GLOW tracts I could find, this may or many not be a complete set. As you can see they cover a wide range of topics including Hell, Natural Disasters, Talking with God, Unlocking Revelation, Is there Hope After Death and other important issues. For the emphasis on this post I will be discussing specifically the Tract titled Is There Hope After Death? as it is one of the two I unexpectedly found recently.

The whole of the Tract can be found at the following link:

Hope After Death (Will Open a New Tab). Go ahead you’ll need to have it open as we break it down.

Let’s take a good hard look at what’s being taught in this tract as also who is behind it so that you can be aware.

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