Hand Percussion for Sunday Worship

First and Foremost

My gift and ability in Percussion was given to me by God, and it is a pleasure to use it for His glory. There has for a very long time been a part of me that has longed to be part of a Praise and Worship Team, but God knows the best timing for that. The wait has been worth it, there’s nothing I enjoy more than using my talents to bring God praise.

A number of people from my congregation have asked me some questions regarding hand percussion and the music on my stand on Sunday or Wednesday. So I’m going to answer those questions in this post.

How Things Start

Seeing that I also serve on the Usher Team there is a certain balancing act of merging the schedules so that I can serve in both aspects. I generally make sure that when I’m not scheduled to serve as an Usher, that I reach out to the various worship team leaders letting them know that if I am, if nothing else, available to play percussion.

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