Why I’m Concerned About: Revive Us 2016.

It seems that not a week goes by without some announcement of a major “Revival Meeting” or get together. They’ve come thick and fast this year  as people who call themselves Christians are becoming more and more ecumenical. People who used to be firmly grounded in their Christian walk are threatening to come off the rails, because of their association with ecumenical leaders or they’re just not listening to the Word of God like they used to.

Before I continue I should define Ecumenical.


(ˈɛk yʊˈmɛn ɪ kəl; esp. Brit. ˈi kyʊ-)

also ec`u•men′ic,


1. general; universal; worldwide.
2. of or pertaining to the whole Christian church.
3. promoting or fostering Christian unity throughout the world.
4. interreligious or interdenominational.
It doesn’t look so bad does it, but it is really bad when it blurs what the Bible says about those who are Born Again and truly worship Him and those who are not and do not. There is only one way and there are not many ways. Yet more and more I see people that I once trusted as grounded in their faith, like Eric Metaxas and Greg Laurie for example saying such things as Catholics and Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA’s) are Christians just like they are.

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