Weeding. Fun Isn’t it?

Hello folks.

Last time we talked about the original state of things, and the fall caused by humankind’s choice to go there own way. By choice we didn’t look into things deeply simply because I wanted to explain why sin arrived and has propagated. We will look into it more deeply from other areas of scripture, because it’s important to build the foundation that we are all sinners.

Only when a person realizes how sinful sin is, how desperately God loves them and that He has provided a way for them to come out from under the power of and slavery to sin, will they with eagerness seek out that solution.


Today though we’re returning to Genesis and we’re going to look at one of the byproducts of Adam and Eve’s fall from grace: Weeds.


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Free Will

From Order to Disorder

When bad things happen to people does that mean that God doesn’t care? I’ve heard variations on this question over and over again and it’s a really good one. Perhaps you’ve heard it stated in this way, “If God then why evil?” Or perhaps, “If God is all powerful why doesn’t he just wipe out evil?” Or, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” These are all very valid questions asked by people who are genuinely seeking answers, I am going to attempt to answer those questions in a general manner in this post. I’m going to have to ask you wait patiently because people fail to realize that this question is like unleashing a question avalanche.

Which means it’s a perfect way to begin our Cross Walk together.

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